Include RichText profile field into Dyn User Directory
Last Post 03-14-2009 07:25 AM by Chad Nash. 5 Replies.
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Dan StaufferUser is Offline
going with the flow
going with the flow

02-25-2009 04:29 PM

    I am trying to include a rich text profile field into a Dyn User Directory Detail page.  I get the HTML tags.  Please tell me there is a way to have this data inserted formatted.  Please?

    Thanks, Dan

    Dan StaufferUser is Offline
    going with the flow
    going with the flow

    02-26-2009 06:51 AM
    This does not seem to be a issue with Dyn User Directory but rather the Core Profile. The RichText datatype insists on converting the rich text to HTML in the input window.

    Anyone else have a similar problem?
    Dan StaufferUser is Offline
    going with the flow
    going with the flow

    03-12-2009 09:19 AM
    Since I have not had a response to this. I am going to ask another question.

    The DNN Core Profile Rich Text field seem to add tags to the information held there. It seems to grow everytime an update is done.

    Is it possible to use a rich text field in Dyn Registration that is saved to a text field in a DNN Custom Profie Field and the displayed in Dyn User Directory as HTML? Are the tags preserved?

    I know, I can try it. I just am trying to figure out how to store rich text such as a bio and display it in User Directory without the DNN Core messing it up.

    Or, am I the only one with this problem?

    Thanks, Dan
    Chad NashUser is Offline

    03-12-2009 03:30 PM

    Hi. We are working on some demonstrations with Dynamic USer Directory at and we should be able to add this as a test/demo for that site. If there is an issue found we will figure out the best way to have all of the profile fields HTML Decoded etc... Also if you setup a test page with a bio / bio core field on (login as host/dnnhost) this can provider our developers with a test page that is much easier to duplicate a bug or particular situation on and get a fix out quicker.

    Also, as far as your comments on updating the field... the FCK Editor likes to add a bunch of paragraph tags and so forth, so what extra characters is it adding? Maybe a bunch of #160 or < P > tags?

    David ToUser is Offline
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    river guide

    03-13-2009 10:12 AM

    HI, I've created two core fields (called test2 of type Rich Text and test3 of type Text).

    For user "test", I used Dynamic Registration form, created two RTE fields and entered some stuff.

    For user "test2", I used DNN "Managed User Profile" and entered some stuff there instead.  The picture below show the results from Dynamic User Directory:

    For now, you will need to use Dynamic Registration if you want the RichText to show up properly under Dynamic User Directory.

    However, in the future, our developer will implement an enhancement to DNN "Managed User" core profile to fix this issue. -- David

    Chad NashUser is Offline

    03-14-2009 07:25 AM
    Hi guys... Yes I have verified this as an issue and have this fixed for the upcoming 3.0 release of Dynamic User Directory. The first 'work around' is that the data is already saved HTML DECODED within the Rich Text Editor if you are using Dynamic Registration. For the DNN Core without Dynamic Registration the data is showing up incorrectly.

    I did want to give users an option / work around for the current version though. If you go to your dnn\portals\0\dynamicuserdirectory\templates there is a folder there for every module instance (for each module ID). If you go into those folders you can edit the file item.ascx. And search for the BIO field.

    You can change it from something like this:
    <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Biography") %>

    To something like this:
    <%# Server.HTMLDecode(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Biography")) %>

    And this will fix you up...


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