Search Field Criteria
Last Post 04-07-2011 08:36 AM by Ryan Bakerink. 8 Replies.
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Shane LeslieUser is Offline
going with the flow
going with the flow

04-05-2011 02:47 PM

    After purchasing the latest Dynamic Views 2.1, it truly is very impressive on how easy it was to setup and get data returned.

    When setting up the search fields, it appears that no matter what criteria I enter (Equals, Contains, Is Greater then, Is Less then); the search REQUIRES all fields to have some kind of data in them. 

    There are only three fields that I need to have availalbe for the user to search with. Those fields are: State, Sq. Ft., or End Use Type. I have State setup with a combo box (using SQL to populate), SqFt is a text, and End Use Type is a combo box (using Values: to populate).

    We need to show buildings that they have built depending on the search criteria that is specified. For example: the user may want to see all buildings in "some specified state", that are used for a "specific purpose", with Square Footage greater than “x” amount. They could also say that they want to see all buildings in Arizona, that are used for Aviation. Lastly, they may just want to see all buildings in Arizona (regardless of the “End Use” or “SqFt”).

    Another example: Show me all the buildings across all locations where the square footage is above "x" amount or below "x" amount.

    Another example: Show all the buildings across all locations, where the end usage is type "x".

    My point with the examples is that we need to show results for ALL search criteria for the three fields specified. In the "Condition", I have tried typing "OR" and that is not an option...I wish it were because the problem would be solved. I have tried setting various columns to being "Required". That really didn't seem to make difference. In fact, when I tested this scenario and did not enter in anything in the text box (which was the requred field); I did not get notified that it was required...which has me a little concerned.

    I can make use of using Dynamic Forms, but I am not totally sure how the two module integrate with the exception of specifing where the Data Source is coming from.

    Is it possible to build the SQL query using DF, and then displaying the results in Views?

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

    Kind regards, -Shane

    Ryan BakerinkUser is Offline
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    river guide

    04-06-2011 08:23 AM
    Hello Shane,

    Is it possible for you to provide an example of this on our test site so I can jump in and take a look at this.

    Then I will make the necessary changes needed so you can reference that example and duplicate it onto your site.

    The login for betasprings:

    Host     /    dnnhost

    If you have any questions please let me know.


    Shane LeslieUser is Offline
    going with the flow
    going with the flow

    04-06-2011 11:47 AM
    Hey Ryan,

    Thanks for getting back quickly.

    I set it up in betasprings as you have asked...just go to: Dynamic Views > Search Criteria

    It is showing the exactly same issues as I described above...I have it setup so that all the records show initially so that you can see the what to search for. The only record in the database is: State=Utah, End Use=Commercial / Office / Retail, Education / Religious, and SqFt=24125.

    Let me know what you may ind out. I appreciate you looking into this a little more.

    Ryan BakerinkUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    04-06-2011 12:56 PM
    Hello Shane,

    I have taken a look at your page, and I'm quite confused as to how you generated columns for the Dynamic View. Can you please let me know what data source you used?? If you used  a Dynamic Form instance please give me the URL to the form. Or if you're using custom SQL for a flat table you created, please give me the name of the table you made.


    Shane LeslieUser is Offline
    going with the flow
    going with the flow

    04-06-2011 02:07 PM
    The way I created the columns was by clicking the "Generate Column Names" in the Module Configuration area. One thing I can try is to generate the columns manually. Once I try this, I'll report my findings...

    The data is coming from a "Table / View" data source, and the table name is "pss_ProjectGallery".


    Shane LeslieUser is Offline
    going with the flow
    going with the flow

    04-06-2011 02:22 PM
    The behavior remains unchanged when I created the columns manually or if I select the "Generate Column Names" link.

    Ryan BakerinkUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    04-07-2011 07:00 AM
    Hello Shane,

    I actually see this search working just fine. Please select the following:

    State :   Utah

    End Use :  Commercial / Office / Retail

    SQ Feet: 1

    I think maybe you were getting confused with the way that the Less than or equal to / greater than or equal to search condition.

    If you have any questions please let me know.


    Shane LeslieUser is Offline
    going with the flow
    going with the flow

    04-07-2011 07:15 AM

    The search does work properly as you have indicated. However, that does not fix my problem. What if we only want to return ALL records that are in Utah, or have a certain End Usage assigned, or perhaps we want to only see buildings above or below a certain Square Footage?

    As mentioned before, we need to have the ability of performing an "OR" on ANY of the defined search criteria. We need the ability of selecting one or all three criteria. If you specify just "Utah" in the view that was setup, nothing gets reuturned back to the user. If you specify that you want to see all buildings over 1 Sqft...nothin gets returned; likewise with the End Use.

    The problem is that you HAVE to specify something in ALL the search criteria fields or NOTHING gets dislayed.

    How can this be resolved?

    Ryan BakerinkUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    04-07-2011 08:36 AM
    Hello Shane,

    In this case you will need to use Allow Free Form query and a data source of Custom SQL and incorporate your limitations in your where clause. This is a complicated process, and is considered a work around since Dynamic Views doesn't currently have an OR feature with the search fields.

    I have accomplished this before using Dynamic Views but it's not easy.

    We can do this via Premium Support if you're interested in paying us to implement this for you. If you aren't, then I would recommend using Open Web Studio or Indoogrid to accomplish what you're trying.

    I'm sorry, but that is one limitation to Dynamic Views, even though it can be accomplished with a work around, it is ultimately a limitation.

    If you have any questions please let me know.



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