Last Post 07-21-2009 07:31 AM by David To. 10 Replies.
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David AmmUser is Offline
river guide
river guide

06-24-2009 06:09 AM

    Is it possible to import custom fields required by ASPDotNetStorefront - e.g. shipping address, billing address, customer group?


    David ToUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    06-24-2009 06:32 AM
    Yes, any fields can be mapped provided you first create them as DNN core profile fields. So if you like to import / map shipping address, billing address, customer group you will need to go to Admin / User Account and choose Manage Profile Properties and add them there. Then when you use IUI, they should show up in the DNN fields to map with your CSV file. -- David
    David AmmUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    06-29-2009 12:05 AM
    AspdotnetStorefront adds fields to deal with customer billing, shipping, pricing, etc. When a new user registers, the fields appear in the registration form.

    However, these additional user fields do not appear in Admin/User Account/Manage Profile Properties. I could add fields here, but how do I link them to the fields that display in the registration form?
    David ToUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    06-29-2009 05:31 AM
    HI David, I don't quite understand. How does Aspdotnetstorefront make the fields appear in the registration form? Also, the "registration form", this is not Dynamic Registration but rather DNN standard registration, correct? Do you know the SQL table / column it's storing the data to? -- David
    David AmmUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    06-29-2009 06:28 AM
    Aspdotnetstorefront has addded 50 or so extra tables into the db. Among these are user/customer fields that I want to populate using DataSprings IUI module and display on a page using your User Directory module.

    I assume there's some sort of linkage between the DNN User Table and the new aspdotnetstorefront tables, but it's not obvious.

    I presume that aspdotnetstorefront have a custom user registration form that populates their tables as well as the core DNN user tables.
    David ToUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    06-29-2009 06:39 AM
    Well, the DNN core profile property definition is in a table called "ProfilePropertyDefinition". You need to somehow map / link the columns of this table to the "UserProfile" table and the Asp storefront table, which one/ones I have no clue since I don't have the module. Does Asp storefront allow SQL stored procedures to execute on submit? If so, that's how you can do the linking. -- David
    Chad NashUser is Offline

    07-08-2009 08:43 AM

    Maybe the customers table within the store module doesn't relate to the DNN Core Profile Fields at all (bummer). We are implementing these modules for another customers and I think we are going to have to use a SQL Event to registerwith Dynamic Registration and then insert the data directly into the store front customer tables.

    David AmmUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    07-20-2009 04:10 AM

    We have finally got our cart working but needed to make some compromises along the way.

    The ASPDotNetStorefront customer tables are separate from the Core DNN user and user profile tables. They have integrated user registration by adding storefront fields to the DNN registration control and modifying the scripts to add a storefront customer id when a DNN user is created.

    This works fine if you add users one by one. Out cart now registers customers and shows their details in Data Springs User Directory.

    However, if you import users with Data Springs User Import module the storefront customer id is not created (and can't be created manually). That's a problem! I'm looking for solutions and am happy to pay for custom code if anyone has somehting that works.

    David ToUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    07-20-2009 08:27 AM

    HI David, we just worked on a project to implement DR with ASPDotNetStoreFront. The SQL table aspdnsf_tcustomer "CustomerID" is auto-generated, and there's a field corresponding to the UserID. So in essence, even if you use Interactive User Import to import a list of users into your DNN website, you can easily create an SQL statement (stored procedure) to populate all those users into the ASPDotNetStoreFront tables "aspdnsf_tcustomer" and "aspdnsf_address". -- David

    David AmmUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    07-20-2009 09:16 PM

    Can you send me sample code to add the CustomerId?

    David ToUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    07-21-2009 07:31 AM
    HI David, it something like the following. However, you may have to tweak it depending on your DR form fields and what your shortname fields are,etc.

    create procedure usp_DR_ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONT_InsertSQL
    (@UserID int,@PortalID int,@URLReferrer nvarchar(1000),@IPAddress nvarchar(20),
    @Username nvarchar(200),@Firstname nvarchar(50),@Lastname nvarchar(50),
    @Email nvarchar(200),@Howdid nvarchar(50),@Phone nvarchar(20),@OKto nvarchar(5),
    @FirstnameBill nvarchar(50),@LastnameBill nvarchar(50),@PhoneBill nvarchar(20),
    @CompanyBill nvarchar(200),@AddressTypeBill nvarchar(50),@Address1Bill nvarchar(200),
    @Address2Bill nvarchar(200),@SuiteBill nvarchar(100),@CityBill nvarchar(100),
    @CountryBill nvarchar(100),@ZipBill nvarchar(15),@StateBill nvarchar(50),
    @Sameas nvarchar(5), @FirstnameShip nvarchar(50),@LastnameShip nvarchar(50),
    @PhoneShip nvarchar(20),@CompanyShip nvarchar(200),@AddressTypeShip nvarchar(50),
    @Address1Ship nvarchar(200),@Address2Ship nvarchar(200),@SuiteShip nvarchar(100),
    @CityShip nvarchar(100),@CountryShip nvarchar(100),@ZipShip nvarchar(15),@StateShip nvarchar(50))
    declare @OkayToEmail int
    declare @BillingEqualsShipping int
    declare @FullnameBill nvarchar(200)
    declare @FullnameShip nvarchar(200)
    declare @BillingAddressID int
    declare @ShippingAddressID int
    declare @CustomerID int
    set @FullnameBill = @FirstnameBill + ' ' + @LastnameBill
    set @FullnameShip = @FirstnameShip + ' ' + @LastnameShip
    if (@OKto = 'Yes') set @OkayToEmail = 1 else set @OkayToEmail = 0
    if (@Sameas = 'Yes') set @BillingEqualsShipping = 1 else set @BillingEqualsShipping = 0

    -- check if customer already exists based on UserID, if not insert new record
    if not exists (select userid from aspdnsf_tcustomer where userid = @UserID)
    -- insert into ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONT aspdnsf_tcustomer SQL table
    insert into aspdnsf_tcustomer(CustomerGUID,CustomerLevelID,RegisterDate,Phone,AffiliateID,Referrer,OkToEmail,

    set @CustomerID = (select scope_identity())

    -- insert into ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONT aspdnsf_address SQL table for Billing
    insert into aspdnsf_address(AddressGUID,CustomerID,FirstName,LastName,Company,Address1,Address2,Suite,City,

    set @BillingAddressID = (select scope_identity())

    -- insert into ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONT aspdnsf_address SQL table for Shipping
    insert into aspdnsf_address(AddressGUID,CustomerID,FirstName,LastName,Company,Address1,Address2,Suite,City,

    set @ShippingAddressID = (select scope_identity())

    -- now update aspdnsf_tcustomer table with the corresponding BillingAddressID / ShippingAddressID
    update aspdnsf_tcustomer set BillingAddressID = @BillingAddressID, ShippingAddressID = @ShippingAddressID
    where CustomerID = @CustomerID

    -- update record instead
    else if exists (select userid from aspdnsf_tcustomer where userid = @UserID)
    declare @UpdateBillingAddressID int
    declare @UpdateShippingAddressID int
    declare @UpdateCustomerID int
    set @UpdateBillingAddressID = (select BillingAddressID from aspdnsf_tcustomer where userid = @UserID)
    set @UpdateShippingAddressID = (select ShippingAddressID from aspdnsf_tcustomer where userid = @UserID)
    set @UpdateCustomerID = (select CustomerID from aspdnsf_tcustomer where userid = @UserID)
    -- update tcustomer table
    update aspdnsf_tcustomer set Phone = @Phone, Referrer = @URLReferrer,OkToEmail = @OkayToEmail,
    LastIPAddress = @IPAddress, BillingEqualsShipping = @BillingEqualsShipping where userid = @UserID
    -- update billing record
    update aspdnsf_address set FirstName = @FirstnameBill, LastName = @LastnameBill,Company = @CompanyBill,
    Address1 = @Address1Bill, Address2 = @Address2Bill, Suite = @SuiteBill, City = @CityBill,
    State = @StateBill, Zip = @ZipBill, Country = @CountryBill, ResidenceType = @AddressTypeBill,
    Phone = @PhoneBill, Email = @Email, CardName = @FullnameBill, eCheckBankAccountName = @FullnameBill,
    PortalID= @PortalID where AddressID = @UpdateBillingAddressID and CustomerID = @UpdateCustomerID
    -- update shipping record
    update aspdnsf_address set FirstName = @FirstnameShip, LastName = @LastnameShip,Company = @CompanyShip,
    Address1 = @Address1Ship, Address2 = @Address2Ship, Suite = @SuiteShip, City = @CityShip,
    State = @StateShip, Zip = @ZipShip, Country = @CountryShip, ResidenceType = @AddressTypeShip,
    Phone = @PhoneShip, Email = @Email, CardName = @FullnameShip, eCheckBankAccountName = @FullnameShip,
    PortalID= @PortalID where AddressID = @UpdateShippingAddressID and CustomerID = @UpdateCustomerID

    -- David

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