user management scenario - one admin needs to manage two user groups
Last Post 08-10-2012 02:10 PM by Candace. 1 Replies.
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Amy CaseyUser is Offline
going with the flow
going with the flow

08-10-2012 06:03 AM
    On my website I have Dynamic Registration which allows our clients to register for various support sections of our website. We have 20 different support sections (users only get access to the section they register for, and they can only select one - they can request access to other after registration). 

    Each section is defined as a "division". 

    I have a two other instances of Dynamic Registration which I use for user management. 

    One one, "super admins" can use to look up all users, regardless of division. 

    On the other, "division admins" can can look up their user group, and approve new registrations. This works great because admins can hit unauthorized and only see the users who have registered for their division. (and also they can't indadvertedly edit a user account from a different client base). 

    This has been working great, but now I have two admins who need to manage two divisions. 

    I have no problem setting up a new instance of dynamic registration for this, but can't figure out how to configure it. I tried updating the admin's profile to have two divisions in their profile field (separated by a comma) but they can't see any users at all when i do that (except themselves). 

    Ideally, it would be great if I could set the admin to manage users of certain security role, which are set when the user registers, but it seems like i can only set them to have a matching field on their profiles. 

    Maybe it would be possible to create a hidden profile field that matches...but would I be able to go back and add that to all the users already in those two groups (besides just manually updating their profile?) 

    Any ideas are welcome! Worse case scenario, I give these two admins access to the instance where they can see all users, but that is not where I'd like to go. 


    CandaceUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    08-10-2012 02:10 PM
    Hi Amy!

    Nice to hear from you. Now, let me think....

    This may be the right time to bring in Dynamic User Directory which now allows you to use Security Roles as a search criteria. So your admins can search by roles and then in your results template, you can offer an Edit User link so when the admin clicks on it, they will be redirected to a DR instance already in Manage Mode for that user.

    Try Dynamic User Directory 4.1 and get as far as you can then we can help you out with the actual hyperlink for the Edit User. Can't remember if you have the Collection 5.0 but if you don't, you can download the trial version from the left column of this page:


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