Missing Save link and other problems in DF 3.1
Last Post 01-19-2010 05:15 PM by Chad Nash. 3 Replies.
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Jim RUser is Offline
new to the springs
new to the springs

01-16-2010 02:49 AM


    I was evaluating version 3.1 and encountered the following problems: 

    1. In my 2nd form, the Save link is missing and I couldn't submit the form (Initially hide form submission button is unchecked), is this a limitation of the trial version?

    2. I couldn't get "Allow user ability to add item" in combobox to work, the field is just a normal dropdown even if I checked this. Note I'm using SQL driven options, not sure if this is the problem.

    3. I couldn't enter complex html table (an outer table with 2 inner tables) to text/html field, even though the same html table works in DNN's html module. After I entered the html and click "Update Field", the field inputs didn't disappear as usual, they just stay there, and the Question Type reverted to Textbox



    Chad NashUser is Offline

    01-19-2010 11:10 AM
    Hi Jim,

    Let me see if I can answer some of your questions.
    1. We have found a bug with the hiding of the submit link on forms where you have multiple forms on the same page. The problem is that the feature (when enabled) ends up hiding the save link for all instances on the page and not just that module instance. We have logged this as an issue and should have this changed in future versions and releases.

    2. I would make sure that jQuery is enabled... Do you get any Javascript errors or anything? Its somewhat confusing how it works because you have to literally click on the commbo box and start typing.

    3. The other issue might be a bug related to the trial version. I would test on www.betasprings.com (login as host/dnnhost). I do believe there is a cap but I think its very large. Do you know if your HTML is more then 4000 characters?

    Jim RUser is Offline
    new to the springs
    new to the springs

    01-19-2010 04:00 PM


    Thank you for the explanation

    1. Does this mean multiple DF modules in the same page? I only have one DF module in that page, and there're totally two DF modules in my DNN instance, both of them have "Initially hide form submission button" unchecked

    2. Yes, I do have Resources/Shared/Scripts/jquery/jquery.min.js in html source, but I also have two js errors:

    Error: dnn.controls is undefined

    Error: missing ; before statement
     dnn_ctr449_DynamicForms_Validate_11638cd9-4185-4e81-b92d-a45271138d79 = document.all ? document.all["dnn_ctr449_DynamicForms_Validate_11638cd9-4185-4e81-b92d-a45271138d79"] : document.getElementById("dnn_ctr449_DynamicForms_Validate_11638cd9-4185-4e81

    3. My html source is pretty large, more than 100K



    Chad NashUser is Offline

    01-19-2010 05:15 PM
    Hi Jim. Yes, you should be able to implement multiple instances of DF on the same page, only should cause a problem if you had that feature enabled for one of the form instances because it would affect them for both.

    If you add just a single instance do you still get the errors?

    We did fix several issues within some recent patches... specifically the dnn.controls.js was a bug we fixed because of a DNN bug in the DNN web.controls. You can find some references for this here:


    That sounds like the same thing but I could be wrong... you would be able to tell if you received the error when you were in 'View Mode' but you didn't receive the error if you were in 'Edit Mode'.


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