Question, Answer, Submit button all on one line
Last Post 11-05-2008 03:56 PM by Jessica Getty. 9 Replies.
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David GoldenUser is Offline
skipping stones
skipping stones

09-24-2007 06:00 AM

    Is it possible to do this?

    I actually tried editing DynamicForms.ascx to add a div right after the questions table then I added a text/html module to my page with javascript that moved the innerHTML of the button html to this new div.  But this didn't work.  It did move the html but not where I wanted it.  The problem is that the question/answer html is part of the dll so I can't insert my html in the right place and with the dynamically generated ids i can't reliably put my html in the right place.

    This doesn't seem like a lot to ask of this tool.  Is there a way to do it?




    Chad NashUser is Offline

    09-25-2007 03:47 PM


    We recently had a client and partner we work with on a regular basis implement this for our Dynamic Registration module which has a similar 'form building' interface/user-facing page so you should be able to do this using a DIV as you suggest. I will email you exactly what he did but basically:

    According to him:

    "ASCX Change :
    Additions in bold…



    It needs a bit of CSS tweaking for FFox still.. but you get the idea…

    It’s backwards compatible too…"

    I will see if we can implement this in the future without having to apply retrofits or modify this file directly.


    Chad NashUser is Offline

    09-25-2007 03:51 PM

    I guess it didn't like all of that HTML, I am attaching the instructions to this post.



    Chad NashUser is Offline

    09-25-2007 03:56 PM


    Once you do implement this please post something to our new Shared Resources area. We have just set this area up and will be encouraging users to post any resources you might be want to share with other users of the module. These might include localization, general resources, exported forms and module settings for specific functions etc...



    David GoldenUser is Offline
    skipping stones
    skipping stones

    10-04-2007 05:50 AM

    I tried your suggestion but didn't have any luck. I am not a css expert, but I tried a bunch of variations and couldn't get it to work. I put my css in DynamicForms_Default.css. To me, this seems like a very hacky solution. Do you have the file that you mentioned to email me? Ideally I'd like to do this in a cross browser way. It seems like using css float would make more sense for cross browser than trying to position it...but the nested tables make this kind of difficult.


    Connie KochUser is Offline
    skipping stones
    skipping stones

    10-27-2008 01:26 PM
    Was this ever worked out? I am in need of the same thing!

    Chad NashUser is Offline

    10-29-2008 08:21 AM


    Hi. We have not yet added the functionality to add the submission link button directly to the form as a feature. If this was a quick and easy implementation we would simply add it but since there are options of link button, image button, or html input button, and they always appear on a form (one of them) it works different then the table which generates the form as its dynamic (as many fields as you want and generated dynamically. The solution of the document above should do the trick but it does require modification to one of the files and then experience using CSS/Stylesheet etc... Did you already take a look at the document?

    We will keep on this on the list to review though, it would be nice to have... I have a few other work around ideas as well. In the latest 2.7.4 release there is an 'HTML Input Button' field type and you could use the feature to 'Add field to same row as previous question' or you could do the same with a link button etc.. What you would want to do if going this route would be to 'Hide submit button for initial load' this feature is available under the area you define the link submission button etc... Then you would want to use the client side event feature to call the same javascript/form submission code that the actual submit link button saves. I realize this might be a bit over the top/complicated but I am just thinking of a work around. Ill research this and if possible setup a Beta Springs example to see if this can be done.


    Connie KochUser is Offline
    skipping stones
    skipping stones

    10-29-2008 09:20 AM

    That's WAY over my head. I actually just want a download page on my site where you can have several lines - product name and button to download. And I wanted to use dynamic forms because it can send me an email when the download occurs, can send the user an email with instructions, and can redirect to the file without exposing the path. But I need to be able to have several rows and each of them is a separate dynamic forms. Is there a different way?

    Chad NashUser is Offline

    10-30-2008 03:23 PM

    I see.... well maybe..

    So you need:

    Dynamic Forms - link
    Dynamic Registration - link
    Flash Image Rotator - link

    etc... to show up in the email?

    Hmmm.. What if you used one form and setup a checkboxlist of product names and for the values setup the link? Then in the email they user could see the links when you referenced the tokens $(Token) would be replaced with the http reference to the file (which was the option value you specified). If you go and setup a checkbox list (or listbox etc..) you can have a value specified for each option. So the text might be California but the Value be CA, in your case the text might be 'My Product' and the value for the option might be etc...?

    Finally, in the email event there is the ability to use $(Token_FullResults), what this does is it only adds the token if there is a value in it. So if you had a dropdownlist or something and the option was blank it wouldn't include it in the email. The Full Results feature also adds the label. So thats another option.

    One more option might be to use checkbox/checkboxlist/listbox and use the Dynamic Email Events in the same fashion but basically set off one event for each item they selected. So lets say they select 'Product A', you can setup the email event to not fire for 'Any Response' but fire conditionally based upon that checkbox/selection etc... This way you could say, thanks for trying out this product and here is the link... Product A is one of our best products because... and make it very unique.

    Any of these options work for you? If so, please share for others! This might be a better option as you can use only one form.


    Jessica GettyUser is Offline
    going with the flow
    going with the flow

    11-05-2008 03:56 PM

    Hi Chad,

    Did you ever try these steps you outlined? I would like my one and only input field on the same line as the submit button.

    I am hopeless with JavaScript but can copy and paste! Where is the JavaScript I can copy to paste into the Client Side Event for my HTML input button field?



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