"Waiting" ANd Unattended Post
Last Post 12-16-2010 02:23 PM by Ryan Bakerink. 2 Replies.
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Jeff SullivanUser is Offline
going with the flow
going with the flow

12-14-2010 07:24 AM

    I think we've sorted out our other issues, but there's one piece we need help with.

    We have a long-running process that is kicked off by a DynamicForms submission, and will ultimately lead to a DynamicViuews report, but in the middle, we need to keep waiting until the processing is complete.

    The workflow we want is as follows:

    1. Enter some data (and upload a file) on Page 1. When the form is valid, then redirect to Page 2 , passing along the UniqueCompletionID.

    2. Poll the database until the processing is complete for this UniqueCompletionID, then redirect to the Dynamiv view page, passing on the UniqueCompletionId.

    3. Load a dynamic view on page 3 based on a view of custom data filtered by the UniqueCompletionID.

    We think we have #1 ad #3 working, but #2 is stumping us.

    We can setup a page with a refresh rate of, say 15-30 seconds. We'd like the page to poll the database once when it loads, and then either a) redirect to Page 3 if the polling/validation done by the DB returns a "TRUE" value, or b) do nothing until the refresh hits, at which time, poll the DB again.

    It's not clear if/how we can setup a Dynamic Form to call a SQL query and then either complete the form (and redirect) or not, based on its value without any user interaction.
    ChuckUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    12-16-2010 06:12 AM

    2. Poll the database until the processing is complete for this UniqueCompletionID, then redirect to the Dynamiv view page, passing on the UniqueCompletionId.

    I am not 100% but,
    You might want to look at the option in the Module Configuration | Validation Configuration

    1. You enable custom Validation script
    2. Enter a store procedure that handles your processing of the record, if it returns a ISVALID parameter, your Completion Event will continue.

    Maybe someone in the DS staff can concur in my line of thinking or I could be wrong in my understanding of your question.
    Ryan BakerinkUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    12-16-2010 02:23 PM

    With SQL validation the stored procedure will work perfectly fine, but the misconception is how to return the variable ISVALID.

    Here is a simple example of how to return the ISVALID variable:



    DECLARE @var int

    set @var = Select Count(*) from Users
    IF @var > 10
    SET @ISValid = 'True'
    --This condition makes the validation pass
    SELECT @ISValid

    SET @ISValid = 'False'
    --This condition will make the validation fail
    SELECT @ISValid



    Again this is only an example of a SQL validation query.

    If you have any questions please let me know.



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