Retrieve Data From Flat Table
Last Post 05-10-2012 03:52 AM by Heather. 1 Replies.
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HeatherUser is Offline
wading in the water
wading in the water

05-07-2012 07:20 AM
    Hi there,

    Need help with my form, its a combination of Demo 10/14 but the fields won't be editable just read-only after completion.

    My form has 2 pages:
    1. Access Request (user fills out this inital access request)
    2. Approval (this page is suppose to populate data from previous page and also has a place for approvers to complete their part)

    Once the requestor completes the initial request an email is sent to the approvers with the infomation that was submitted and a link. In this link is one place where I don't think I'm using the correct string to pull info into the form from the table as when the approver clicks on the link it brings them to the correct page but there is no data in the fields (they are blank).

    We want to use UniqueCompletionID parameter as our main link to call data from the table that was created in the initial request. I haven't created any stored procedures yet, trying to make it work using the default completion events created by the app (Add, Update, Delete).

    Also, I'm wondering also how does the "DSParam1" variable fit into this process. I notice that my form will not post to the table if I remove this variable.

    We are not looking to use the report module in demo 14 with the edit/delte reocrds as our completed info cannot be editable for auditing reasons. Thanks, Heather
    HeatherUser is Offline
    wading in the water
    wading in the water

    05-10-2012 03:52 AM
    I figured out that part of what I needed to do with the DSParam1 variable, but now the issue Im facing is that I needed a few more pages for the same info to be passed along on.

    I have an email that is to go out at each stage with the URL to the next step in the approval process.  The first to the second page works as is supposed to.  When the second page is completed and the email is sent to the next group it opens the page but now there is no info posted back to that page.  Is there a different way I'm supposed to setup the DSParam1 in the module configuration pages for the second and third and more pages of my process?


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