Email with link to populate a form
Last Post 06-05-2012 05:32 AM by Ryan Bakerink. 3 Replies.
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SKUser is Offline
going with the flow
going with the flow

05-23-2012 11:29 AM
    When the user submit a 'training request' form an email should be sent to a supervisor. The email should have a link that when clicked will populate fields in a 'training recommendation form'.

    For example the supervisor clicks the link and the Recommendation form populates with the employee's name and employee ID number.

    Would it be something like:

    Is there a way to do it w/out passing the actual variables?

    Ryan BakerinkUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    05-24-2012 07:15 AM
    Hello SK,

    You will need to pass the Query String variables into the page. However I would recommend passing the URL as:

    The "00022" will need to be a Dynamic Token obviously inside of the Email Completion Event.

    You won't need to pass FirstName and LastName since EmployeeID is a unique ID, well if it's not it should be.

    Then you could use Initial SQL Rendering/Bind by using the DSParam1 querystring value.

    So then you could connect to the table that stores this information relevant to an employee and run a query similar to this:

    Select FirstName, LastName from EmployeeTable where EmployeeID = '$(DSParam1)'

    You will of course need to have questions on your Form with the short field name of FirstName and LastName for the table column values to map to the questions.

    Unfortunately there wouldn't be any other way to handle an external email returning to a form. You could try a Cookie, but what if the user accesses the email later from another computer? The cookie won't exist, therefore not making the form fool proof.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    SKUser is Offline
    going with the flow
    going with the flow

    06-04-2012 12:07 PM

    Thanks for your help.

    I have a form completion event where this URL is passed as:

    "EmployeeID" is the short field name on the Recommendation form and

    'ABCDEFGHI2' is from the Dynamic Token $(EmployeeID) on the Application form.

    I expect the Recommendation form's EmployeeID field to be populated with the Application form's Employee ID, but it's not.

    If the DSParam1 that you mention is not the short field name on the recommendation form, what is it?

    Ryan BakerinkUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    06-05-2012 05:32 AM
    Hello SK,

    On your recommendation form do you have a hidden field or some sort of field on your form that has a short field name that matches the name of the Querystring variable being passed in(EmployeeID)? You need to make sure that this field can retrieve value from Querystring variable. Enable this option under Advanced Field Options when managing your EmployeeID question.

    If you're trying to pull in relevant information about the employee by using the passed in EmployeeID on the Recommendation form, then you will need to change "EmployeeID" to "DSParam1" so you can use the Initial SQL Rendering/Bind feature that will allow you to pull in information based on the Employee.

    If you don't need information to display on the form relevant to the employee, then you won't need to name the Querystring variable "DSParam1".

    If you'd like to gather a better understanding of initial SQL Rendering/bind for Dynamic Forms, our User Guide can explain it in a more intuitive fashion then I can:

    Let me know if you have any questions.



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