Another dynamic form problem
Last Post 01-28-2007 08:27 PM by Paul Jenrow. 0 Replies.
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Paul JenrowUser is Offline
skipping stones
skipping stones

01-28-2007 08:27 PM

    Continuing on with my project to implement a questionnaire using Dynamic forms to be calculated via Tailored Text...


    I have attempted 2 approaches to convert a yes/no answer to a number value.  My first approach was to use a SQL generated question source for my radio button Yes/No questions.  Using a t-SQL statement as follows:


    SELECT txtAnswer as QuestionOption, intAnswer as QuestionOptionValue
    FROM SWEEPNConvert


    allowed me to send a 1 or 0 to the Tailored Text module while showing a yes/no on the form.  This worked fine and I was very happy! My questionnaire has 30 questions, so I entered the first 20 and tested the form.  It now takes slightly over a minute just to load.  This seems to be painfully long, and it makes the application almost unusable. 


    My second approach was to create SQL tokens on the Tailored Text module in order to convert the Yes/No query string to a 1/0.  I created a Stored Procedure, tested it in Query Analyzer, and it worked.  I ran the calling code in Host SQL, and got no error, so I added the following SQL code to the first three questions in the Tailored Text module. 



    DECLARE @QValue int
    EXECUTE prSWEEPCalc '$(Q1)', @intTotal1 = @QValue OUTPUT
    PRINT @QValue



    Now, the Tailored text module takes about a minute to load, and something fails on the parsing here, since the resulting text in the Tailored text module is 'Yes' or 'No' rather then 1 or 0. 


    My questions are, is there any way to make the Dynamic form run in some reasonable manner with SQL derived answer options, and is there any obvious reason why my tailored text tokens are just passing through the query string and not running the Stored Procedure.  Also, is there any way to speed execution times on the Tailored text module?

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