Using querystring for Initial SQL Bind
Last Post 12-01-2008 05:32 PM by Daniel Salas. 2 Replies.
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Daniel SalasUser is Offline
new to the springs
new to the springs

11-27-2008 03:18 PM


    I'm trying to implement an initial SQL Rendering/Bind using a querystring containing an Id in order to populate some read only fields on the form:

    Querystring passed : FairId (also tried making it a hidden field reading its value from the querystring).
    Passed like this: (url of page containing the Form)/Default.aspx?FairId=114

    Fields on the Form: FairName (textbox, read only),  FairCity (textbox, read only)

    Enable initial SQL data bind (checked)
    Only enable when querystring present? (empty)
    Initial SQL query:

    If I use the following select, it works:

    Select FairName, FairCity from FairsAU where FairsAUId = 114

    If I try to use the querystring (or a field shortname), it doesn't work:

    Select FairName, FairCity from FairsAU where FairsAUId = '$(FairId)'

    Also tried

    Select FairName, FairCity from FairsAU where FairsAUId = $(FairId)
    (without the single quotes)

    Any ideas? I guess the question is: how to use a variable in the SQL expression? How are they parsed?

    Best regards,

    Daniel Salas
    ICCI Melb Inc.

    Chad NashUser is Offline

    12-01-2008 06:54 AM



    Hi. Can you please review this thread, this thread relates directly to using the SQL Databind Feature w/ Querystring variable.




    Daniel SalasUser is Offline
    new to the springs
    new to the springs

    12-01-2008 05:32 PM

    Hi Chad,

    Thank you for the update. I had opened a support ticket about this and got the same answer. I did a search of the forum on 'querystring' but somehow missed that thread.

    Daniel Salas
    ICCI Melb Inc.

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