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Invalid Email on Completion Event
Last Post 11-08-2011 09:55 PM by Don Gee. 9 Replies.
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Ricky HenryUser is Offline

11-08-2011 06:14 AM

    Whenever I try to use a dynamic email, the module generates an error stored in dnn log (the error does not appear to user while using).

    The innerexception of the error is:
    "The email address (Contact Us) is not in a valid format."  "Contact Us" happens to be the name given to the Dynamic forms module instance.

    I have a simple contact us form.  There are 2 events, one event to send email to sender and another to send email to portal admin.  If both events are fired, then there is an error for each.  I have no known problems with my SMTP server as I send out thousands of emails a day with it using pop clients and other working DNN modules.  Only this module is throwing the error.

    I do not understand why the module is trying to use the module name as part of the email address.  Here is the full error copy:

    *** Error Start ***
    AssemblyVersion: 6.0.1

    PortalID: 0

    PortalName: My Portal

    UserID: 1

    UserName: host

    ActiveTabID: 59

    ActiveTabName: Contact Us

    RawURL: /Home/ContactUs.aspx

    AbsoluteURL: /Default.aspx

    UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.874.106 Safari/535.2

    DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke.SqlDataProvider

    ExceptionGUID: c1d1a465-9a58-4f3d-a4cb-da21651930c3

    InnerException: The email address (Contact Us) is not in a valid format.


    FileLineNumber: 0

    FileColumnNumber: 0



    Message: System.ArgumentException: The email address (Contact Us) is not in a valid format.


    Server Name: xxx

    *** Error End ***
    CandaceUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    11-08-2011 08:02 AM
    Hi Rick,

    Actually, this is a known issue with DNN 6.0.1 (actually started with DNN 5.6.1) where they changed the regular expression for the email address and is impacting the email from name. The problem has been fixed with DNN 6.0.2 so if you can upgrade your DNN version, that would be my first suggestion.

    If you can't upgrade your DNN version, a workaround would be to edit your email event and delete the email from NAME and that should work.

    You can also follow the Chad's suggestion in this forum thrread:

    (note Chad's comments on 1/26/2011.

    Don GeeUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    11-08-2011 08:46 AM
    Hi Ricky,
    What are you using in the "email to" and the "email from" area of the email completion event? Some users have been having problems with the "From email address" where leaving that empty solves their problem. I test email completion events by leaving the "email from" empty and add my own email address to the "email to" area as a hard coded value. Look into testing both of these areas for a solution. Leave the "from email address" empty and also try running with a hard coded email address that is to you. One or both of these changes should get you a good email coming through. Then you can go back and see what is wrong with what you are using in these two areas for tokens. Tokens in the side bar are what is available for use in the "to email" area but you want one that represents your list who you are sending your email to. You can test them if you copy and paste it into the body of the email and run the event with it still to yourself and you can see what these tokens translate to. In the body of the email they won't cause the event to error out. Maybe the token translates to an invalid value or maybe the syntax on the token is just incorrect when you put it into the "email to" area. You will need a valid token that equates to valid emails in the "email to" for the email completion event to work.

    Thanks and let me know if you need more help.
    Don GeeUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    11-08-2011 09:35 AM
    Hi Ricky,
    As an update I can mention this:
    Actually, this is a known issue with DNN 6.0.1 (actually started with DNN 5.6.1) where they changed the regular expression for the email address and is impacting the email from name. The problem has been fixed with DNN 6.0.2 so if you can upgrade your DNN version, that would be my first suggestion.

    If you can't upgrade your DNN version, a workaround would be to edit your email event and delete the email from NAME and that should work. I have mentioned this above as well.
    Ricky HenryUser is Offline

    11-08-2011 12:28 PM

    Thanks for the replies.  Here is the current status:

    - Upgrading to 6.0.2 isn't an option as it is in Beta apparently, and I would prefer not to install beta versions to live site.

    - If the 6.0.2 only fixes the regex validation, then I don't think that is the problem anyway because I changed the admin | user settings email validation setting to \b[a-zA-Z0-9._%\-+']+@[a-zA-Z0-9.\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}\b  and still no joy.

    - I tried removing the from email and left fields blank.  Instead, the error just throws with whatever the email address is of the portal admin.

    After all configs, I still get the error for any dynamic forms email sent: Message: System.ArgumentException: The email address (Contact Us) is not in a valid format.

    Apparently, the issue is related to something other than regex.  I have attached a screenshot to this message.
    Ricky HenryUser is Offline

    11-08-2011 12:29 PM
    oops, here is SS
    Don GeeUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    11-08-2011 01:16 PM
    Hi Ricky,
    I would like to know if you can simply send an email from the email completion event if the "to name" is hard coded with your email and the "from name" area is left blank. I can't tell if you tried to put a hard coded known email address in the "to name" spot from the response. That way you will know if it is sent as you will get an email

    Also our betasprings site is in dnn 6.0.0. You can test your sample there and see if it works. If it does then going back to 6.0.0 might be an option.

    For me the screen shot doesn't hep because I can't get good resolution after increasing the size to view it.
    Don GeeUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    11-08-2011 01:52 PM
    Hi Ricky,
    Before you do the above there is another piece of important information to check on. Do you may have an extra space in the end of the regex file and this can mess things up. Here is what to do. Under Admin>user accounts > user settings where the regex string is located you need to check and make sure that there is NOT an extra space at the end after the 'b'. That space can mess things up and sometimes users get that in there when copying the new file into that field.
    Ricky HenryUser is Offline

    11-08-2011 04:08 PM
    OK, I removed the extra white space at the end of the regex setting and now the emails are going through.  Thank you for your patience and help in resolving the matter!

    Don GeeUser is Offline
    river guide
    river guide

    11-08-2011 09:55 PM
    Your welcome. It is good to hear that this solved your problem.
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