I am new to sharepoint and have just started the installation of MOSS 2007 on windows server 2003.
Steps I followed:
1.Installed OS windows 2003
2.Installed Visual Studio 2008.
3.Now after this when I am trying installing the sharepoint , it says "This product requires ASP.NET v2.0 to be set to'Allow' in the list of Internet Information Services(IIS) Web Server Extensions. If it is not availeble in the list, re-install ASP.NET v2.0".
4. I went to IIS manager, there I can't see the entry of asp.net 2.0 or "ASP.NET v2.0.50727" under web service extensions, which sharepoint installation says.
5.I also went to MS framework folder and there I can see the entries of all frameworks.
6. I was just wondering if I have to specifically install the asp.net framework 2.0, ideally when I am installing the Vs 2008, it should should support all the previous frameworks as well.
Please suggest