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Frustrated over the lack of customization for your user's registration fields? Dynamically setup your DNN Portal with custom registration fields, layout, questions, and other core integration options......

Ultra Video Gallery is a brother product of Ultra Media Gallery, UVG allows you to upload videos in various format and automatically encode them to flv or H264 format, you also can add videos from internet or record live videos from your webcam.

Build high performance, completely customizable data-entry forms and views driven by your DNN and external databases. New built-in tools make it a snap to quickly create data entry forms, data views, and even database tables. Plus, add your own HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL commands, stored procedures,

The most advanced DotNetNuke shopping cart on the planet. Easy to use e-Commerce, Secure Shopping Cart Software and SEO friendly. B2C / B2B Ecommerce Sites.

One stop solution for events calendar and events registration! FREE DOWNLOAD is available now!

Migrate to DotNetNuke

Best Practices for migrating your website or web site content over to DotNetNuke


With DotNetNuke you can quickly build and edit a website using only your web browser. DotNetNuke websites are made up of Pages and Modules.

Pages provide a place for you to display your site content. These Pages are made up of one or more Modules. Modules define the functionality that can be added to a page. DotNetNuke has many built-in modules including, Text, Table, Events, Links, Picture and more. In addition, many more modules are available from the community including Web Forums, Blogs etc.

Building a new Website with DotNetNuke involves the following steps:

  • Install DotNetNuke on your computer.
  • Sign up with a Web Hoster who provides DotNetNuke hosting accounts. This Web Hoster will set up a blank DotNetNuke website for you.
  • The Web Hoster gives you login information. Log in to your DotNetNuke site using this information.
  • Using DotNetNuke, add pages, modules and select skin for your website.

 Suppose you have an existing website and you want to use the database provided with the existing website.

Suppose in an existing website you have a MSSQL database that contains data to be displayed. If you've got a legacy database that contains hundreds of tables, procedures, views, etc. it may not be practical to move everything into your DNN database or build the DNN database within the legacy database. Here one can define the database connection string via a reference in Web.Config. This database will co-exist with the DotNetNuke database and be accessed by the DotNetNuke site.  The content can be used by DNN site via following steps:

1) In Web.config Within

2) Within add key for mydata's connection string - similar to SiteSqlServer - but pointing to appropriate server/database.

3) Within Added

type = "myStuff.myProject.Data.SqlDataProvider, myStuff.myProject.SqlDataProvider"
connectionStringName = "mydataserver"
providerPath = " -- appropriate path --
objectQualifier = ""
databaseOwner = "dbo"
upgradeConnectionString = ""

4) Set the Assembly Name for the MyProject to myStuff.myProject. A dll should exist in \bin directory where dotnetnuke.dll exist called myStuff.myProject.dll

5) Set the Assembly Name for the SQLDataProvider to myStuff.myProject.Data.SQLDataProvider. A dll should exist in \bin directory where dotnetnuke.dll exist called myStuff.myProject.Data.SQLDataProvider.dll

6) Set the Namespace for DataProvider to myStuff.myProject.Data.

7) In my DataProvider.vb class that must inherit DataProvider, change the CreateProvider sub to

objProvider = Ctype(Framework.Reflection.CreateObject("mydata", "myStuff.myProject.Data", "myStuff.myProject.Data"), DataProvider)

8) In my SQLDataProvider.vb class that inherits DataProvider, set the ProviderType = "mydata"

You might want to add an additional descriptor to the convention here so that myStuff.myProject becomes myStuff.myProject.myModule, but that is personal choice.
Generally, with the existing websites or systems, one wants to switch over to DNN as a base for providing the portal-functionality that we need in many areas of the application. Most of the sites going for DNN are workflow application but large parts of the site are content heavy and should be updated by certain groups of users with specific security roles. A lot of VBscript code that does page HTML rendering, so is a first pass at "hosting" DNN within the existing ASP application. Eventually all HTML logic is to be replaced with .NET code, but here comes the point as to where we can host DNN and some off-the-shelf modules and make the site running, follow the following steps:

1.  In the ASP application: create a .asp page which creates a javascript with three variables: htmlMenuAndTopLeft, and htmlMain, and htmlStyleAndScript. These variables are loaded up with the HTML content needed to render the client interface.


2. Create a DNN skin that references the .asp page from the legacy application.


3. The DNN skin uses client-side document.write(htmlMenuAndTopLeft) .. etc to place the HTML "wrapper" around the DNN contentpanes. This way, all the links, CSS, and images etc point to the proper location. The content area of DNN is generated from 100% .net code.


However, if you have to install DNN tables/stored procedures into an existing database an object qualifier of DNN is a good option. Here other features like role-base security for selective display of content and functionality can be used.


A designer shouldn’t be in charge of migration of an existing site to DNN site. The work should be assigned  to the developer who might be able to write scripts or code to perhaps assist in importing of data. Regardless of how much you try to automate, its' really an initial hands on job of copy and pasting of information to a certain extent. The key area to look for is when copying and pasting data, to make sure it's nicely pasted without taking the other formatting into the page. This is only about the content but the original look and feel is not intact here.


If you want the original look and feel of the site and the work ids assigned to a designer, the knowledge of DNN architecture, concepts of skinning, or experience in CSS or html is a must. Get a dev environment setup , copy the content and add the pages. Initially you can provide the layout using the default skinning scheme but once the site is up more and more intricate schema can be build to let the site preserve original look and feel.


Suppose you are working on a site and want to transfer data to DotNetNuke This data conversion is possible by exporting your existing data in tabular format and then use that data to import into DNN.  This typical procedure requires mapping of all your existing data to the required formats.  Depending upon how much data you have, it may be more efficient to go through the process of recreating some pages in DNN and then import certain other data that make sense. For example consider a specific situation of moving data from phpNuke to DotNetNuke. The core PHP-Nuke modules are somewhat similar to the DNN modules. One can initially find the modules that correspond to each other in basic functionality:


1)     The PHP-Nuke Content Module is similar to DNN Core Text/HTML Module.

2)     The PHP-Nuke News Module is similar to DNN Core Announcements Module.

3)     The PHP-Nuke Gallery Module is similar to DNN non-core DNNGallery Module.

4)     The PHP-Nuke Downloads Module is similar to DNN Core Documents Module and non-core DNNDownloads Module.

5)     The PHP-Nuke GBook Module is similar to DNN non-core Bring2Mind Guestbook Module.

6)     The PHP-Nuke Feedback Module is similar to DNN non-core Feedback Module.



At time when you are moving to DNN from existing website, there might be certain complicated web pages or web forms which you don’t want to alter for example those with intricate calculations or analysis forms or certain other forms where particular formatting is a requirement. Here you find out ways so a static web form can be used in DNN.


If multiple instances of these pages don’t hamper your basic design, a simple way out it to make each of these programs as modules and then insert them in to DNN portal. Modules are the best suited for web items that are intended to be used at multiple instances in your web site and have a need to communicate with databases to store/take the data from a particular instance. Here you must check with the data Pages with these Modules are caching during page loading. If data is large then you might need to throw some of that information within the page onto the database to avoid slowing. But there is a drawback as the design incorporated through making these web pages Modules may slow down your site making it less efficient. But there are certain pages, web forms/programs etc which do not need to communicate with databases. They just take the data that user provided do the engineering calculations etc, get the results and post it back to the user. Moreover since these web forms are unique, multiple instances of these programs may not be needed.  The way out here is to use the Links module (standard) and link to the pages in a new window. Or, to give website a consistent look use the I-Frame module and nest the page as an I-frame within DNN.



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DNN Modules

DotNetNuke Modules

Data Springs offers cost-saving packages that fit your needs:

Purchase the Collection 6.0

Data Springs Collection 6.0

An entire tool chest to quickly build websites and construct complex, powerful, and relevant workflow. Elevate your design with custom registration, forms, displays, reports, user management, payments, Google maps,, SQL updates, and so much more!

Best Value!  Includes all DotNetNuke modules by Data Springs.

$ 495.00

Data Springs User Management Suite 3.0

All the tools you need to enhance user & profile management from A to Z!.  A comprehensive package with 5 feature-packed modules that offer extensive admin controls and easy user interface geared towards an effective and growth-oriented site!  .... more


Includes:  Dynamic Registration     Dynamic Login   ♦   Interactive User Import     Dynamic User Directory   ♦   Renewal Reminder    A value of more than $630.00!

 $ 369.00



Check out all our individual modules!


 View Dynamic Registration

Dynamic Registration 5.0 (new release on 6/12/2013)

Need custom fields and workflow for your registration? Get all the power and ease of use to create the registration and profile management just the way you want it... more

$ 199.00

View Dynamic Forms

Dynamic Forms 4.1 (released 5/16/2012)

Whether it's for marketing, sales, contact forms, scheduling, information requests, surveys, or to simply better understand your customer needs, the possibilities for creating powerfully effective forms are now easy and endless! ... more

$ 195.00


Dynamic Views 3.1 (new on 2/7/2013)

Now have an easy yet feature-rich reporting module with custom defined display templates and unlimited search options from  Dynamic Forms or any data source like a table, view or custom query!  ... more

$ 169.00

 View Dynamic Login Module

Dynamic Login 4.1 (released 10/19/2011)

Add pizazz and functionality to your site login! Dynamic Login gives you custom templates, localization, redirection rules, SQL Validation, and Single SignOn. Want more? How about Facebook Connect, LinkedIN, and Twitter, too? Your login has never been so exciting!.   ... more

$ 149.00

 View Interactive User Import

Interactive User Import 3.0 (released 8/17/2011)

Interactive User Import provides you with the functionality to easily and quickly import users into DotNetNuke and Dynamic Registration, through a streamlined and well-documented wizard that includes many advanced features... more

$ 149.00

 View Dynamic User Directory

Dynamic User Directory 4.1 (released 4/26/2012)

The perfect compliment for extending your portals users and community! An essential ingredient for managing dynamic user information, is being able to sort key fields and create useful user directories and custom report information... more

$ 179.00

 View Renewal Reminder

Renewal Reminder 1.3

Renewal Reminder provides you with the functionality to setup email notifications for users that their security role will soon expire. After installing your renewal / security role reminder module you can now setup scheduled notifications to be distributed to your users... more

$ 129.99
 View Opt In Email

Opt In Email 5.0 (new on 4/17/2013)

'Relationship Building' and 'Communication' are two essential nuts and bolts for a business to prosper. This module allows you to bridge both of these and easily generate continuous awareness of your web site, products and services. Your prospects and customers will greatly appreciate this feature... more

$ 179.00

 View Tailored Text

Tailored Text 3.0

Personalization allows you to go the extra mile in communicating or connecting one to one with your clients. Leverage the power personalized content on your DotNetNuke site... more

$ 109.99
 View Stock Quote

Stock Quote 1.2

Giving your site visitors relevant information is critical. With the Data Springs Stock Module you can provide your users with up to date financial information... more

$ 109.99
 View Presentation Archive

Presentation Archive 2.0

With so much content on your web site, its important to give users an easy method for finding and retrieving content. Presentation Archive allows you to categorize, organize and present content within your DotNetNuke site for presentations, educational material, videos, and almost any document... more

$ 124.99
 View Real Estate

Real Estate 2.3

Real Estate 2.3 is a feature rich and user-friendly module that allows your portal users the ability to create real estate listings on your site... more

$ 149.99
 View Dynamic Image Rotator

Dynamic Image Rotator 3.3

Dynamic Image Rotator displays selected images and then rotates between the images using the Adobe® Flash® platform.  Several extended and optional features allow you to select the time to rotate each image, fade between images, and also display the images in either sequental or random order... more

 View Info Pics Gallery

Info Pics Gallery

The Info Pics Gallery Module allows you to display thumbnail pictures with information to the user about each picture, along with a detailed description regarding the set of pictures and several other optional links... more

 $ 69.99
 View Testimonials Module


The Testimonials Module allows you to display customer testimonials on your site, as well as an easy method for users to submit testimonials about your web site, services, or products... more

 $ 49.99
 View Dynamic Info Cube

Dynamic Info Cube

Take your web site out of the box! Looking for a creative and interesting way to showcase information and content on your site? With millions of web sites offering information you need a fun way to display information and the solution is Dynamic Info Cube... more

$ 99.95
 Search Engine Optimization Cloud Module for DotNetNuke

Dynamic Tags

Nearly every web site developer would agree that search engine optimization is one of key aspects to a successful web site. Part of search engine optimization requires providing search engines that crawl your web site with appropriate and meaningful content... more

$ 69.99
 View Page Tags

Page Tags

'Page Tags' pulls in search terms that users searched to find the current page. There are many benefits to displaying these search words that delivered the user to the site, find our more details ... more

$ 59.99
 Random Rounded Images

Random Rounded Images

Random Rounded Images is an easy to use upgraded version of the images module included with DNN. With RRI, you can select multiple images to display randomly when the module loads. For example, you can add 10 images to the module, and each time you refresh or load the page one of those images will... more

$ 49.99
 View Back on Track

Back on Track

Giving your site visitors fast access to areas of interest is vital to your web site's ease of use and ultimately - sales potential... more

$ 99.99

Dynamic News Ticker 2.0

Dynamic News Ticker allows you to scroll through news items in a horizontal or veritical direction with administrative features that allow you to easily customize the look of your news ticker. Each instance of Dynamic News Ticker can be set up to have different sizes, scroll directions, scroll speed... more

$ 39.00
 View Quick Poll

Quick Poll

Give your users a voice, while also providing an important way for you to gather opinions from your users and measure visitors' responses to questions on your site! Polls are significant because they can provide a way for your web site visitors to share ideas and vote on topics of your choosing... more

$ 39.99
 View Flash Contacts

Dynamic Contacts 2.0

Dynamic Contacts is the fastest and easiest way you can help visitors of your website connect with your key personnel... more

$ 79.99




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