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The History of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, commonly referred to as SEO, is the art of structuring a Web site so it shows up in the various search engines. Adding popular keywords and key phrases to a Web site is a form of SEO. Millions of people use the Internet to search for information every day. SEO helps ensure your Web site will be one of the listed choices for those individuals to select. Most search engine users only allocate the top few choices and find what they are searching for within those sites. Eighty-seven percent of sites with heavy traffic are on the first page of a given search engine.


SEO has grown as the use of the Internet has grown. SEO first began in the 1990s with people submitting a particular site to a search engine. Search engines then programs called Spiders that would peruse the Web, store the data and catalog the millions of pages it came across. The search pulled up information using an indexer that stored the various types of information for the search engine.These early SEO files used algorithms and Meta tags.


An algorithm is a process that is used for a particular task. This complex type of programming is very common in computer applications, and was first used in 1936 for mathematic equations. In an algorithm, the same pattern of steps is repeated over and over again each time it is accessed. Meta tags, which are part of the Web site’s HTML code, work with algorithms to create and access data about a particular Web page and help categorize the information in a search engine. Meta tags are behind the scenes, and people viewing your Web site cannot view them. As the Internet became more popular the Meta tag process was upgraded with the latest technology, allowing it to be useful in keyword searches on the various search engines.


Web developers concerned with SEO and search engines work together to make Internet searches fast and simple for users. An annual conference called AirWeb was held at the beginning of 2005 to discuss the gap between services, and to devise plans to help them prevent further issues. Both SEO Web designers and markets understand that without the search engines their efforts are fruitless. In turn, the various search engines depend on their services to generate income. It only makes sense for them to be working in the same direction, and everyone who uses the Internet benefits from this collaboration.


When was the last time you used a search engine to find something on the Internet? Did you click on the first few Web sites that popped up? Some people believe items come up in the order of relevance; however, this is not the case. Popular search engines, including Alta Vista, Yahoo and Google, offer sites top billing on their search engine for a premium price. This is fine for larger companies who have the revenue to finance such an endeavor, but it hurts smaller e-commerce businesses. SEO has become more of a marketing tool that anything else. This requires that Web sites, and the information contained in it, is continually changed and updated. Since each search engine uses a slightly different formula to rank SEO, you should try more than one search engine in your quest to find information on a particular subject.


Some Web site owners don’t play the game fairly and use scrupulous tactics to keep their competitors’ Web sites from popping up on the search engines. This can lead to difficult lawsuits, but only if actual proof can be found to use against the company participating in such tactics. Web site designers are asked to be honorable and play by the rules, ensuring fairness for all Web sites.


The future of SEO appears to be bright as well as full of changes. The Internet is a source of entertainment, work, and shopping for millions of people all around the world, and the number of people using the Internet continues to grow daily. The world of SEO is not easy to figure out and you always need to be one step ahead of the competition. Webmasters work hard to mastermind tools for building links and new ways of manipulating the SEO system for their own gain. E-commerce is a cutthroat industry, and much of it goes on behind the scenes that the casual Internet user is not aware of it.


As technology continues to change, so will the world of SEO. Look for new languages to emerge that read SEO information faster and easier. SEO is a field that will never stop growing or changing due to the demands of consumers, marketing, and the concept of e-commerce.






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SharePoint Web Parts

All Data Springs Web Parts Support WSS 3.0, SharePoint 2007, and SharePoint 2010 Frameworks

Please select license option for each web part you wish to purchase. We highly recommend the SharePoint Bundle to get all Data Springs Web Parts for maximum value!




Data Springs Sharepoint Bundle

Best Value! The Bundle gives you all 5 web parts in one package at a very attractive price! Best Value! We think you will be very happy with the SharePoint bundle and great price discounts you will receive. With your purchase all of the web parts below will be included.

Random Image Web Part

With Random Image for Sharepoint 2007, you can select multiple images to display randomly when the web part loads...

Stock Quote Web Part

Giving your site visitors relevant information is critical. With the Data Springs Stock Web Part you can provide your users with up to date financial information

Dynamic Image Rotator Web Part

Who would have thought? Adobe Flash® with Sharepoint! The FIRST and ONLY image rotation web part for Sharepoint using Flash Technology from Adobe! The Dynamic Image Rotator displays selected images and then rotates between the images. Several extended and optional features allow you to select the time to rotate each image, fade between

SharePoint Charts Web Part

The MOSS Chart Web Part is a web part built by Data Springs for the purpose of rendering several chart types based on data from a SharePoint list on a MOSS 2007 or WSS 3.0 Site

Dynamic News Ticker Web Part

Provide current news items with a user-friendly news ticker for your Sharepoint Portal. With millions of web sites offering information you need a fun way to display information and the solution is Flash News Ticker....

Tailored Text Web Part

 Tailored Text Web Part allows you to add text/html to your web site that can be different for anonymous users, registered users,  and even individual users specifically.


Dynamic Views Web Part

Dynamic Views is an excellent tool to:
Personalization allows you to go the extra mile in communicating or connecting one to one with your clients. When it comes to technology and web site content, you now have the power to leverage this personalization directly with your users on your DotNetNuke® site


Dynamic Login Web Part

Your site content isn't vanilla, so why is your portal's login?

Add pizazz and functionality with Dynamic Login! Use custom templates, localization, redirection rules for various roles and many more features!


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