Hi Everyone and Happy New Year! Several of our modules (most of them by now) can add additional log details into the DotNetNuke Event Log if you are needing more information or wanting to check if a specific email fired, SQL query executed, etc… These log details can be especially useful if something is going on behind the scenes that you can’t always see (i.e. Facebook Connect Integration, Twitter Integration, or maybe when the system is returning from a PayPal transaction and PayPal is sending back a silent post.).
At any rate… Sometimes the “DEBUG INFO” which will appear as Purple within the event log isn’t setup to be displayed. In these cases you can run this SQL Script (you can also go to “Edit Log Settings within the module menu for the Event Log under Admin, Event Viewer and define this as well).
You would want to execute the following script under Host, SQL.
Declare @MyCount as integer
Set @MyCount = (Select Count(*) from EventLogConfig where LogTypeKey = 'Debug')
If @MyCount = 0
Insert Into EventLogConfig
(LogTypeKey, LoggingIsActive, KeepMostRecent, MailToAddress, EmailNotificationIsActive, MailFromAddress)
Values ('Debug', -1, 10, '', 0, '')
Happy New Year!