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Dynamic Forms Trial

Please download the Dynamic Forms Trial Below


Dynamic Forms Trial Q & A

Question:  Are there any limitations within the trial version?

Answer: The only limitation is that the trial version is available for you to test for 20 days. There is also a note at the bottom of the forms page indicating that this is a trial version.

Question:  I have tested the trial version and decided that it is just what I need.   Will I have to recreate my forms when I install the Standard or Enterprise package?

Answer:  No. If you are upgrading from the trial version you can simply install the module on top of the existing installation. Your forms, configuration, completion events, and setup will all stay intact.

Question:  I really want to use the Dynamic Forms module but I want you guys to install it. Do you guys handle installation and configuration?

Answer:  Yes, our team can handle your forms implementation no matter how small or how large it is. You can review our Premium Support Hours and can contact us with any questions.

Question:  What are the requirements for Dynamic Forms?

Answer:  Dynamic Forms requires DotNetNuke® 4.5.x. or higher. Dynamic Forms has been tested and does work with DNN 4.8.x, 4.9.x, and the new 5.0 version.  DotNetNuke® is an open source ASP.NET framework.   For more details on this framework please visit


Dynamic Forms Trial Version


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What can Dynamic Forms do for your DotNetNuke® Portal?

Wonder what Dynamic Forms can do for you?

Already use Dynamic Forms, but not necessarily to its full potential?

Just interested in learning more about Dynamic Forms' bells and whistles?


You're in the right place.



Click on any of the links below to take a look one of our simple demonstrations.  The demos below highlight just a few of the Dynamic Forms features that we thought you'd like to know about.


Demonstration #1  (Demonstrates the use of Regular Expressions and Question Events)


Demonstration #2 (Demonstrates the use of Regular Expressions and Question Events with Content Localization)


Demonstration #3 (Demonstrates the use of Dynamics Forms between multiple user groups)


Demonstration #4 (Demonstrates Tailored Text/HTML integrated with Dynamic Forms to create a payment solution with Paypal)


Demonstration #5 (Demonstrates new features including IPortable, Googles 'Auto Fill' toolbar, updated Question Event features)


Demonstration #6 (Demonstrates the integration of the Authorizenet Merchant Account)


Demonstration #7 (Demonstrates advanced field options and client-side events to show & hide additional fields, as well as the submit button.  It also shows how to duplicate ship to/bill to addresses.)


Demonstration #8 (Demonstrates form stylesheet properties and layout options)


Demonstration #9 (Demonstrates key question and completion events)


Demonstration #10 (Demonstrates how to create Multi-Page/Wizard functionality using Dynamic Forms)


Demonstration #11 (Demonstrates how to create data-driven, dependent dropdowns using Dynamic Forms)


Demonstration #12  (Demonstrates how to perform SQL Validation using Dynamic Forms)


Demonstration #13  (Demonstrates retrieving data from Dynamic Forms from other 3rd party modules, clear results feature, custom JavaScript error handling, and initial JavaScript client side events)


Demonstration #14* (Demonstrates advanced work flow functionality within Dynamic Forms that you can utilize to create custom applications, custom work flow scenarios, integration with existing tables/applications and data, and the steps on how to utilize the module to build these forms)


Demonstration #15* (Demonstrates advanced functionality within Dynamic Forms to calculate totals and to pass specific transaction details to PayPal.  It also presents a variety of completion events that are designed to fire upon receipt of specific PayPal notices. If you are wanting to implement single purchase PayPal transactions you should review this demonstration.)


Demonstration #16*   (Demonstrates setting up two different subscription types using PayPal as the payment gateway.  The demonstration covers advanced functionality to handle subscriptions with varying amounts and billing cycles.  It also demonstrates the use of recurring payments with PayPal.  In addition, a variety of completion events such as adding roles and sending emails are linked to PayPal notices.)


Demonstration #17*   (Demonstrates the ability to switch the payment gateway off for free subscriptions using the EnablePGateway feature in Dynamic Forms 2.7.  In addition, it showcases the ability to handle a free trial period for the paid subscription.   It also features a more customer-friendly PayPal Cancel Subscription link capability.)   


Demonstration #18*   (This is a demonstration of the PGateway feature of Dynamic Forms.   This feature allows for multiple modes of payment available for the user to choose from.   In this demonstration, the choices are PayPal, credit card payment via and check in the mail.) 


Demonstration #19*   (The main purpose of this demonstration is to showcase the variety of layout options available with Dynamic Forms.  This expanded form showcases the use of column spans, label width, field width, and many others.) 


Demonstration #20*   (Demonstrates a number of calculation methods to obtain totals using various field types such as radio buttons, dropdown menus and checkbox lists.)


Demonstration #21*   (Similar to demonstration 14, but highlights other 3rd party integration modules for reporting and searching including IndooGrid and Open Web Studio (OWS).)


Demonstration #22**   (Demonstrates using the new Gridview field type, Rating field type, and new PDF Completion Event as some general tutorials on new features for the 3.0 release)


Demonstration #23**   (Demonstrates allowing user to save the form for later use, and new 'View' and 'Edit' links as well as some tutorials on new features including the ability to 'Create copy from' results, editing results, and viewing results within a custom template)

Demonstration #24**   (Demonstrates the new data grid field type and other features such as the ability to choose alternate locations and directories for file upload fields)


Demonstration #25*   (Demonstrates integration examples of how to integrate Dynamic Forms with other modules such as GeoSprawl Store Locator / Map Module allowing user to save the form data and later display their information on a map)

Demonstration #26**   (Demonstrates new jQuery features within Dynamic Forms 3.0 such as watermark, masked textbox editor, select all for check box lists, ability to add new items to a combo box dynamically, and other great new jQuery enhancements.)

Demonstration #27*   (Demonstrates extended work flow functionality and integration with a Tabs module. Within this demonstration we highlight how integration works between Dynamic Forms and DNN Aggregator for creating robust forms with easy tabbed navigation.)

Demonstration #28**   (Demonstrates a variety of methods to implement date fields within Dynamic Forms including date field types, masked edit options for dates with textbox fields, and extended date options including jQuery plugins and examples.)

Demonstration #29**   (Demonstrates DNN Text Suggest field type within Dynamic Forms)

Demonstration #30   (Demonstrates integration with Dynamic Views, a reporting module that can report and showcase data that has been entered from Dynamic Forms. Dynamic Views can also be used to show data only the user has entered.)


Demonstration #31    (Demonstrates the use of multi-paged forms with forward navigation that allows the information to be updated with each form submission. How to create a results form that reads in all of the information the user fills in. How to use hidden fields to send the results to the user that filled out the multiple forms.)

Demonstration #32  **  (Demonstrates the use of new question events within the 3.4 release including a tutorial on how to request a coupon code for the user and then apply that coupon code as a discount towards a customers purchase. Additional examples include how to change/manipulate the link button text and to showcase a question event that will automatically submit the form based on a field instead of forcing the user to click submit.)

Demonstration #33  **   (Demonstrates how you can use "HTTP Post" to handle the post to some other form, and use the ability to receive a post in Dynamic Forms. Additional examples including real-time screen shots of completion events where you can include the URL where a silent post is to be received. The demo follows with a complete step-by-step instruction guide to how to setup and receive posts via Dynamic Forums and Dynamic Registration.)

Demonstration #34 *** (This tutorial will highlight new features within Dynamic Forms 4.0 that showcase how to utilize Panels for grouping fields together. Along with the panels features this tutorial showcases how to implement panels with question events for very efficient performance.)

Demonstration #35 *** (This tutorial will highlight new features within Dynamic Forms 4.0 that showcase how to utilize Tabs for grouping fields together. This demonstration is similar to the Panels tutorial above but shows how a similar implementation can be changed easily to utilize Tabs.)

Demonstration #36    (Highlights the best methods that can be used within Dynamic Forms to create and utilize CSS within forms for rounded backgrounds, rounded corners, unique submit buttons, etc)

Want to talk to other users about how they use Dynamic Forms' features?  Simply click here to be redirected to the Dynamic Forms' Forum page.



* denotes that Dynamic Forms version 2.7 or higher is required.

** denotes that Dynamic Forms version 3.0 or higher is required.

** denotes that Dynamic Forms version 3.4 or higher is required.

*** denotes that Dynamic Forms version 4.0 or higher is required.


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